Alright its time to learn once and for all who is real and who is fake. This is coming from and observation from a peer about the sad status of manhood/womanhood in the world. To paraphrase Chris Rock
" There's a war going on Real and fake...and the fake has got to GO!!!
Now there may be a slight, slight chance that you don't know what side you fall on. No problem at all for you dear readers. I shall break down to the up most break downess what constitutes as real and fake.
Please read on ...
#1 IF YOU HAVE TO ASK THEN YOUR PROBABLY NOT: Seriously its not that hard to know if you count as being real or fake. In order to know you must first know yourself. Walking around without an identity or a smidgen of self knowledge is wasteful. Learn yourself, know yourself and most importantly BE yourself.
#2 BE YOURSELF: Once again stop faking and fronting..its pathetic. With the advent of social networking people have a chance now to craft a personality that is not real. Your on facebook and twitter acting like you are THAT dude or chick. You act like the world is your oyster and you are hungry. Baby no..stop..you lying sob STOP. Little lesson on realness: Life is not a competition with everybody else. The only comp is with yourself. This small planet has alot of people on it and very few of them know you. Further more the energy you spend faking the funk could be used to actually get funky.
#3 YOU DON"T HAVE HATERS: Ever since that word came about people SWEAR they have haters.
NEWSFLASH: Once you get a certain age you don't have haters. People just don't like you. The opposite of love is not hate its indifference. When people don't like you they pay you no mind. Now I'm sure you think those girls in the corner of the club are hating on you and your crew. Boo Boo even if they are so what? What are you 13? Grow the hell up... True haters tend to be people that can actually cause you damage. See the dudes with the mean mug are not the ones you need to worry about. Its your homeboy that's plotting on your girlfriend who poses a real threat. Its your home girl or cousin that is going to sleep with your man that you should pay attention. Worrying about haters is like worrying if you beat Halo on its hardest level. Even if you do who cares?
#4 SHUT THE HELL UP : Its simple really...shut up..who cares. Stop running around telling all your business or someone else's business. Stop running your mouth all the time. A great man said that the loudest person in the room is the weakest person in the room. You want to know how your associate ended up with your woman. All those man time gossip sessions where you ran your mouth about EVERYTHING your girl said to you. He was sitting there smoking the blunt and drinking the the drank with you. But he made sure to note everything you said. You literally gave him a handbook/ instruction manual on how to please your woman. Now he's in your bed you bought doing all the things you said to the fellas you wouldn't. Keep your business to yourself and those who honestly care. Just because someone asks how you doing doesn't mean they want to know. You got 1 mouth and 2 ears..listen twice as much as you talk. Just because you got twitter doesn't mean everybody
need to know whats on your mind. SHUT UP
#5 HEART : This is the biggest factor honestly. Real and fake always divide when it comes down to your heart. Heart can best be described as standing firm in opposition of what your trying to accomplish. It means handling your responsibilities. Don't make a woman have to be mother AND father. It means chase your dream but work a damn job at the same time. Heart is showing that you have a sense of humanity about yourself. DO NOT laugh at those with less than you and DO NOT create bitterness to those with more. Show some heart ...show that if the chips are down you have something to under gird you. Albeit faith,logic,science family or whatever you must show you can stand tall. Men stop being followers in your relationships.Let her be the woman. Tell your friends that your house is not the kick it spot. Ladies start requiring (realistic) things from your man. If you want to be married be upfront. Show some backbone and let him know what you expect and
what you do not tolerate.
There are many more factors to being Real but chances are you already know them. And if you don't please consult the real person to your right or left.