I was asked by a female to weigh in on this: "Is it wrong for a girl to mess with two guys in one week? Is there something wrong with that?" This was my response: In my opinion, no. There is a double standard when it comes to men and women having multiple partners. When a man does it, he's a player/pimp/etc, but when a woman does it she's a slut. It's unfair. I say if that chick likes to have sex and is attracted to someone, what's the problem? Men can do it with impunity, why can't women. If she likes what she likes, why not go after it? Thoughts?
i agree with the poster for the most part, but i would say this: it depends on the situation. Like if she's in a committed relationship, then no. Well i say it goes both ways. But i honestly feel if the chick or man, has no ties then whats the problem. Now i do know plenty of females that will only have sex with one partner when just even talking to an individual. Overall, i say if theres no strings then theirs no problem. and i apply that too both sexes.