How far does ambition go for a suitable mate? I mean lets face it coming out of a recession not everyone is blessed to be stable economically. For that matter some people are earning money doing things that society might find to be "beneath" them. So, do you just write em off because there not where they're supposed to be in life? Or, do you say "hey they're trying hard" and give them a shot anyway?
bum living on the street...no Way! brother trying to make ends meet! I'm with it! As long as he is aspiring to be something greater, even if he don't make it. Got to have a dream and ambition. Lack of both is a turn off.
ReplyDeleteI'll give a female that i find attractive a chance if she has drive & is active in reaching her goals. I cant say the same for most american women tho. By their standards @ 25 yrs old ur "supposed" to have a $60k a yr job w/ hella vacation time, a luxury car, and building a 2-story house in the burbs AND still dress like it.
Very good points made by all I do believe there is a double standard when it comes to what man has and does as opposed to what a women has. I'm sad to say that it basically boils down to the fact that men are supposed to be leaders there supposed to support there wives. Well that's what old fashioned culture dictates. Where some women go wrong is they believe they should be taken care of from the beginning. Just because were dating or being intimate doesn't mean I should pay ya light bill or by you groceries your not my wife.
ReplyDeleteI see plenty of women that have been dealt the wrong cards in life and are doin their very best to come up. If we click ill give her a chance just don't try to make me your come up.
Wow. My previous comment was mangled all to hell. So I'll repost:
ReplyDeleteI agree Miss D. She's gotta have SOME drive and at least be TRYING. 101 brings up a very good point though. It seems that males are supposed to be pushing "Bimmer, Benz, Bentley"(sorry Lloyd Banks) but it's ok for the female to push a 1929 Ford Corolla. And if you know anything about cars, Ford doesn't make the Corolla, and Toyota hasn't been making the Corolla that long. But you get my drift. A dude will holla at the chick on a bicycle, but a chick will skip RIGHT over ya ass if you pushing the '82 Hooptie LX. Of course, this does not apply to all, but I see the "How much do you have mentality?" displayed more by females.
Dr. Reason~Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat's why you start slappin bitches with piles of money...lol
ReplyDeleteLook, people are stupid period. They believe that if YOU got the bread and THEY got the ass it's all good then they wonder why the get left behind like somebody got the go to jail card in Monolopy. Look at you, sittin there trynna roll doubles to keep playin the game...pitiful...smdh
Ambition is the personified desire to do better wealth is current financial stability but with ambition, once you get the wealth, then you move on to something else to be ambitious about if you're just wealthy then maybe not and if a chick is too near sighted to see that, she don't need to be around..--Mr.PR