Don't make an excuses for a love that's not right for you!
I borrowed this from: http://www.forharriet.com/2010/09/if-it-isnt-love-dont-make-excuses-for.html
Did you ever offer your love in a shaky situation because you thought you would be able to control it? Seriously. Did you ever date or try to woo someone or allow yourself to BE wooed by someone whom you KNOW good and well is not a match for you? You knew they were too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too broke, too stupid, too ugly, too country, too ghetto, too weird, too quiet, too loud, too corny or just too wack for you. Or maybe on a more mellow note you guys just did NOT share the same values, cares concerns or general ideas about life? But you pursued them anyway? Or allowed them to pursue you, because you thought their shortcomings would give you an advantage in the situation? Or because you wanted to try EXTREME dating (think high levels of inherent danger), so you tried to wrestle down the most Unlike you person you could find?
Listen. Just cut it out. I tweeted recently that bending over backwards to slide under a bar set too low really does leave you in "limbo". It's unnatural, just like being in over your head. Why do you think that just because you have to dumb down, slow down or shrink for someone that you can control them? They are controlling YOU. You’re the one sitting in the “special class” of love when you should be in the honors program. Not them. They are overachieving and everyone involved knows it. And guess what? They are human beings. And that means you can’t control what they do. AND, just as you are covering for them and hovering over them? Another person is willing to do the same thing. SO: while you are steady settling and trying to fit a round peg into a square hole, your slacker boo may ACTUALLY get tired of YOU and move on to the next charitable lover, making YOU feel “settled for”! You see where I am going with this? Stop slumming. Or at least stop trying to make romance with someone that you have to CHANGE in order to love. If you don’t even RESPECT them it isn’t love. If your description of them is full of “if onlys” it isn’t love. If you are waiting for them to DO something or to STOP doing something before you can love them “all the way”, it isn’t love. It’s obsession. Or perceived ownership. Or some other foolishness that is going to leave you brokenhearted or mad as hell when it doesn’t work out. Because it won’t.
You can't drag a person to the top of your mountain. They must be willing to climb their own. Can you imagine literally climbing a mountain trying to DRAG your significant other to the top with you because they are unwilling to even move? What’s going to happen? You’re going to fall backwards and kill both of you right? STOP IT. The other scenario is that a sexy mountain ranger comes along and steals your mate and the supplies and leaves YOU to die on the mountainside with all your energy and resources gone. Get the drift? Let it go. The crazy thing is that many unpolished underachievers still have the gull to live by ego rather than principle. They KNOW you have no business with them so they are going to try to press their luck. OR they are going to guilt you, stress you or suffocate you into wallowing right with them. Don't let them happen to you.
The point is: Live. Love yourself. Admit your dreams and chase them. Remember what makes you happy and allow your heart to find that in others. Be the best you that you can be so that you will have the courage when you meet your match.
Angela Ford Johnson is a Philly-based writer and consultant, affectionately known as Angie Writes. Follow her on Twitter and Tumblr
Let me know your thoughts fellas, and ladies.
Ok, this article kinda threw me but i'm going to address multiple issues:
ReplyDeleteLove isn't enough to keep a relationship going. Life isn't a fairy tell. Grow up! thinking that an shared love is going to maintain a relationship is childish and immature. There has to be something to talk about, something you have to share a common ground.
Settling: Ok normally i would side with the author but the older i get the more i find settling isn't such a bad thing. Well only if it's on something small. In the world today no one is perfect. Its like either she has a kid, burning, has a stupid past, or has mental issues. So if you find that person that has almost everything you want go with it. In order to settle you have already acknowledged there are things about the person you like. You have to make sure that good out weighs the bad.
I want everyone to acknowledge that they are replaceable, so even if you settled and that person leaves you it doesn't matter. And for that matter when u find that person that has everything you want how do u know he's not settling with you. What if he leaves you?!
I agree with this article. I don't believe in settling except for what I'm WILLING to settle for. If the one you're with is LESS than what you want, then they need to be a part of the past. I don't want to change anyone and don't want anyone trying to change me, but the reality is in a relationship you MUST change somewhat to maintain the relationship. If you like to party and mingle, and your significant other doesn't, to keep them happy you can't party or mingle as much.
ReplyDeleteWhat it boils down to is just HOW MUCH compromising are you willing to do? If someone is trying to change you so much that you don't even recognize who you are anymore, you need to let them go. If it is a struggle to get someone to be on the level you want them on, you need to let thm go. You're either COMPATIBLE or you're not. Too many people are out here lying to themselves in their relationships. Being together for the sake of "being together". All show and no go. Stop it. No masters. No slaves.
There are things I'm accepting of and don't mind compromising on(smoking, addictions to mobwars...etc.)... Definitely. But When it comes to the basics of general conversation and you can't carry one or I can't speak how I normally speak, or have I find myself constantly explaining and defining the words that are coming out of my mouth.. That's a problem! ( Yes I've found myself having to do this)...and I can't do it! When I do settle down it will be with someone who I can just talk to, wake up beside every morning and just be comfortable...no feelings of uneasiness and weird moments. just Chill. With that being said..I don't want my mirror image either... There has to be something else of interest about you... something for me to learn, new... other wise it's a dead ship!